“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
Albert Einstein

Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Naughty or Nice List

Found through Google 
     In class this week, we were talking about how our society still has some Puritan values. The Puritans used to believe that if they did enough good they would be rewarded by becoming a saint in the town. So, the idea was kind of genius because it was a way to keep the town in order. Most people wanted to become a saint so therefore they behaved and didn't "sin".
     An area where I see this same value in our society is with kids and Santa Clause's naughty or nice list. All around, parents tell their children to act nice because then Santa Clause will bring them presents. On the other hand, if the kid's act naughty then Santa will put coal in their stockings. Most kids would prefer presents over coal, so this a way to make sure children behave.
     Is this tradition of the naughty and nice list only in the U.S.? If not, how has it spread to other countries when the Puritans lived here? Also, are you on Santa's naughty or nice list this year?

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