“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
Albert Einstein

Monday, March 11, 2013

Good News! You're a Minority

     In kindergarten my teacher always said my classmates and I were all the same no matter what we looked like because it was what was on the inside that counted. Only later in life did I find out that how we look not only matters but in some cases it is more important then what's on the inside. For this blog to make more sense I would also like to note that I have tan skin from my mom's Chinese nationality.
     Last month, my field hockey team was chosen to be the face of a national campaign for USA field hockey. I did not think my coach would ever choose me for the photo shoot so, I was flattered when I received the e-mail. Until, I saw who else was on the mailing list: the one other Asian girl, the only four black girls in the club, and two white girls. My coach even quoted, "this photo shoot might not work if we can't show the diversity of our club so, I hope all you girls can make it". She uses the word "show" as if we have to prove something. 
I made the picture small because
it's not very flattering but, at least
it shows USA field hockey
welcomes all races!
     It's not only my coach who tries to prove diversity. My American Studies class has been reviewing television shows and how they try to prove their own diversity and fight racism complaints. Even out of television, places in our reality such as colleges and businesses use people just for their ethnicity. I think this becomes a problem when people start to receive things only for being a different skin color. Not only is it unfair to the less wanted majority races, but it also does not feel good knowing you were only chosen for something based on what's on the outside.
Do you think our world could handle buisnesses and colleges that don't have to reach diversity quotas?

1 comment:

  1. A very personal and very poignant post, Maddy. I think it's really important to note the very real effects on self-worth that this kind of "tokenism" engenders.

    The only thing I would correct is that technically the use of quotas is unConstitutional.
